What does it really matter anymore to the Obama Administration what does it matter now to the American People? Well, if an Ambassador and six other Americans were taken hostage, as a result of a terrorist attack in Iran, then it really matters a lot. But, if the mainstream media gets your back, then you can pretty much get away with just about anything. We saw this after the Gulf War, when the media (which was not all that popular then) said that we would win the war because we had more oil than they did. The White House made a big deal out of the number of vacations that the President took while the media was praising him for his winning streak at that time.

So, the question does it matter anymore to the American People: is this really the time for diplomacy or not? It appears that the State Department and the White House are indeed trying to make the point that the Iranian nation may be trying to build nukes. Now, the Chinese didn’t say they wanted nukes, they simply expressed their fear that if Iran was granted nuclear weapons, then that country could start a proxy war in the middle east and they’ve already made noises about that. Okay, so, the next question is; what does it matter anymore to the American People, the question is; does the Iranian leadership to care about the world community or is this just another ploy to gain more attention? If Iran was interested in nuclear proliferation, then why didn’t they ask the rest of the world for help; that’s a very good question.

If you think about this: does the United States of America really need to sit there and lecture the Chinese on the morality of their behavior? Of course not. We’re not going to sit there and lecture them, we’re going to talk to them. I hope that the Chinese are aware of that and understand that we’re not going to allow them to give us any more headaches, because if we do, then I guarantee you the Chinese leadership will have no choice but to go take a vacation somewhere else; you heard me right.

Back to the question, what does it matter now: that the Chinese are saying that Iran is building nukes? Well, the answer to that question is; everything. If Iran is building nukes, then they are considering a nuclear strike on the United States of America and everyone in the region, including Russia, all that ends up mattering is some high-level diplomatic conversation which usually ends with a bunch of finger pointing and the Chinese shutting down commerce with all the major countries including the United States of America. That is if the Chinese decide to cut off all trade with the United States; which is highly unlikely, but you never know.

If Iran had a nuke, then that would mean they had a nuclear warhead: and that would mean they can strike against the United States of America or anyone else in the region, at will. If that happens, then we have a very volatile situation because we would be immediately at war with Iran, and we know that Iran has nuclear weapons. We also know that Iran is funding proxy terrorist organizations in other countries in the middle east to conduct attacks against the United States of America and our allies, so that means we also have to worry about Iran supporting international terrorist organizations such as; Hamas and Hezbollah, and we should be very concerned about that. It is my belief that we should put a sanctions bill on Iran immediately; it is in the American interest and we have to act now before Iran gets a nuclear weapon. Please consider all this.

What does it matter now to the world: when the Chinese say that it does not matter what Iran is doing? Why the talk about “winning” the Middle East, and about how wonderful it would be if China was leading the way in the peace process? Something to think about.

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