What does in lieu of quitting smoking really mean? This question may have been asked many times, especially by those who are desperate to quit smoking. The definition of this phrase is as follows; “In alternative to the use of any nicotine replacement therapy, the individual in consideration shall be offered counseling or therapy which allows him or her to avoid smoking.” Hence, the definition of the phrase “in lieu of smoking” means “other than the use of any nicotine replacement therapy”. It’s a non-prescription phrase that is used to introduce a non-nicotine alternative to a problem being reviewed.

Many smokers try their best to quit smoking without fail but they do not succeed: This is due to various factors like their own will power, the nicotine addiction and also the withdrawal symptoms that make them feel the need to smoke. Some of them might have tried the use of hypnosis to stop smoking but were unsuccessful. Hence, in order to get rid of this bad habit, what does in lieu of smoking means is very important; it is the first step towards quitting smoking.

In case you don’t know what substitutes actually are: they are the items or things used as an alternative to cigarettes and other tobacco products. These products are not actual cigarettes but they are what they seem like, in terms of appearance and texture. For instance, there are chewing gum, lozenges and even toothpaste which can be used as a replacement for cigarettes. In addition, there are lots of products that help people quit smoking such as gum, lollipop, sprays and inhalers.

What does in lieu of smoking means differs from person to person: depending on their individual condition and situation. If you are a chain smoker, using gum as a replacement is not recommended as you may end up chewing the gum instead of chewing your cigarettes. However, if you are only a casual smoker, then chewing is perfectly fine. Another example is if you have plans of quitting smoking then you can use nicotine patches or nicotine gum. There are also hypnosis and hypnotherapy sessions which will help you quit smoking. These methods are useful especially for smokers who do not want to experience withdrawal symptoms whenever they try to quit smoking.

There is no specific replacement for smoking: The important thing is that you change your lifestyle and replace your vice with something else. In addition, you should also set some goals so that you can measure your success. This will enable you to motivate yourself when you realize that you have successfully or partially quit smoking. One important factor is to find out what does in lieu of smoking and incorporate it in your life so that you will be able to stay away from smoking for good.

If you are trying to find what does in lieu of smoking: then you should know that there are lots of methods out there. Therefore, you should make sure that you are always researching about what is the best method that can help you kick the vice. However, it is important that you do not go into too many details as this may only cause you to give up.

Once you are already on your way to being smoke free, then you can start incorporating what does in lieu of smoking into your life so that you can also achieve a smoke-free life.

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