What Does Lis Pendens Mean?
What does Lis Pendens mean? When a foreclosure notice is served upon a property, the lender must also deliver a legal notice to the owner indicating the time, day, and location of the foreclosure sale. The notice will typically be filed with the county clerk and states that a default judgment has been filed (an…
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Benjamin Lawyer
What Does of Counsel Mean in a Law Firm?
What does of Counsel mean in a law firm? It means your direct answers to the questions that you have asked of your attorney. This is the person who is going to be representing you in the legal services that you need. Counsel has many jobs that he/she can do for you, all of which…
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Benjamin Lawyer
What Does Not Guilty Mean in a Criminal Trial
What does not guilty mean in a criminal trial? This is the age of “innocent until proven guilty.” This has resulted in many innocent people being incarcerated for long periods of time, sometimes even life. The United States Supreme Court has declared that the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution protects the rights of individuals against…
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Benjamin Lawyer
What Does N/A Stand For?
What does N/A stand for? N/A or “Not Applicable” is a common abbreviation in lists and tables for the term either not available not applicable or the question is not answered. It is commonly used to represent a cell that does not respond to any question in the particular table or column. In some cases,…
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Benjamin Lawyer
What Does it Mean to Plead the Fifth?
What does it mean to “Plead the Fifth”? To “plead” means that you have the legal right not to answer police inquiry either in a criminal case or in court. But like many other constitutional rights, this too is subject to wide interpretation by the courts and frequently arouses fierce debate. While rarely referred to…
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Benjamin Lawyer
What Does It Mean to Court Someone?
What does it really mean to court someone? Court means different things to different people. Some would say that courtship is a good thing while others do not see it that way. When we talk about dating relationships, then the term dating is used to define courtship. So what does it really mean to courting…
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Benjamin Lawyer
What Type of Child Custody Agreements Are Considered?
Child custody is a very broad legal terminology which includes many legal roles and responsibilities which are related to the physical responsibility of a parent or guardian towards a child. The term also covers the rights, duties, and responsibilities of any other adults who come in close association with the child. This means that there…
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Benjamin Lawyer
Creating a Child Custody Schedule
Child custody, also known as child visitation, is an ethical term in relation to guardianship that refers to the legal and physical relationship between a parent or legal guardian and a child in the care of another person. This relationship may be established through marriage, civil union, or any other binding agreement between adults that…
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