What does “by itself” mean? It means that the concept is not dependent on anything else. For example, if we talk about “a woman’s look,” then it means just that-a woman’s looks. There is no other thing included in the description. So “a woman’s look” is a description that is independent of “what she wears.”
We can use the same idea to describe- “a man’s look.” A man’s look is independent of what he wears. It does not depend on his shoes, his shirt, his tie, his socks, his wallet, his briefcase, or anything else. His look simply is his appearance. The same can be said for “the man’s eyes.”
So, to rephrase our question- what does per se mean when someone says, “A man with a big penis.” It means “an unusually large penis.” But there is no requirement that a man with a big penis have a big, large, muscular, powerful body, or that his penis is extremely long.
We still need to qualify our statement- however, because we don’t want to limit “what does per se mean” to the penis alone. To qualify our statement, we have to add the word “size” to the end of it. “A big, muscular, powerful man with a big muscular, powerful body” fits this description perfectly. “An unusually large penis” does not. And neither does “an unusually small penis.”
So, what does per se mean, then? It means whatever you put into it. In other words, the meaning is dependent upon what you are thinking about. But you don’t need to think very hard about it to find out what does per se mean. Just remember what it means: “size, strength, power.”
If you are the sort of person- who is attracted to men with huge, massive penises, then by all means go out and have sex with as many men as you can. There is nothing wrong with that. And, it’s perfectly normal. Just don’t mistake the word “size” for the real thing.
The big question is, how much bigger should your penis be when having sex, if at all? You can use any measuring device you like, but keep in mind that the results will depend on you and your partner. Some people measure girth, some girth and length. Some men prefer a tight, satisfying squeeze, and some enjoy a longer, fuller “job.” Most men, though, prefer the long-lasting feel of a big, strong, rock-solid member.
So, what does per se mean when you say it? You tell your partner what you want, and he or she gives it to you. That’s the truth. That’s the meaning of “size, strength, power.”
There are some things- that are bigger, stronger, and more impressive in my book than any other man’s tool. I call them “my toys.” These are just a few examples. Some of my “toys” can weigh as much as 50 pounds. Others can run a mile. Whatever you do, know that your man is capable of great deeds, just as you are capable of great deeds in bed.
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